They're Da Men in my life!!
Mr Ong Chu Beng - No one can beat him, he will always remain as my "Most Beloved One". The most important man in my life. Of course he is!! He's my beloved Daddy. Without him, you guys would not know me until now.. *grinz* Oh boy!! I missed daddy so much. It had been almost 5 months already I didn't see him and futhermore this will be the first year i am not celebrating his birthday with him (30th Nov).. *So sorry daddy, I will give you a call yeah??* What do i love the most about my daddy?
1. He is as long winded as my mummy.. :P
2. His golf clubs (his other babies) get to sit on his car's cushion.. (We all have to reserve half of the seats for them)
3. He is da most SPORTING daddy in this world (We are free to do anything but we know our limits)
4. I missed the moments when he tried to make mummy laugh when mummy is really in a BAD MOOD!!
5. His most common phrase " Ini hari ada mendung ka.?" (sort like.. how's the weather in the house today.. checking out if my mummy is in a good mood or not.. and mummy will always say.. "Don't think i don't understands what you're saying ah!!". *lol*
6. His singing.. His favourite song ("Loi Ka Tong" = Thai Song)
7. His petite size. There's where my petite gene comes from.. hehe :P
8. Him trying to sneak us out from the house when mummy is in a BAD MOOD!! *ahahah* nice try daddy..
9. The smses he send.. (I am the one who taught him how to reply sms and how to send)
10. He is also the big buaya. (All da girls in da banks he always go to are his so called GFs and Darlings)*lol*
I really miss everything about you Mr Ong Chu Beng !!!!
Mr Ong Chu Ho - My so called "Banker" (juz joking). I really show respects in my uncle. He is my daddy's elder brother. He is the one who pays for my school fees because my daddy couldn't afford to send me to private college like Limkokwing. That's why I dare not take things for granted in order not to waste Uncle Chu Ho's effort of supporting me financially. :) Thanks alot Uncle Chu Ho.
Mr C C Lee - Hmm what about this guy.. He is my darling lor.. :) We had been dating each other for almost 4 years already. That was rather long right my dear.?? *winks*.. He is just an ordinary looking guy (not handsome and not too ugly hehe :P but who cares?? I love you enuff already lor), the most patient guy I've ever known, always wanna end things peacefully without arguement, always let me win in everything (when arguements almost started), always give me the warmest hugz and the warmest good nite kiss on my forehead. (must have that every nite else, i can't sleep well. Guess that old habit dies hard eh?)
Here's da reasons why I love u so much :)
I love u coz u're cool no matter what the time, no matter what the place.
I love u coz u've seen me at my worst 'n' u still love me.
I love u coz u never get mad at me even when I drive u up da wall.
There are endless reasons why I love u,
but da most important one is Darling, knowing u is loving u.
U know how to bring a smile on my face.
I like sharing crazy times with u because u add da spice to my life.
Mr C A Yeo - My most beloved angel.
Everything started from this message i received through my friendster.

This is Angel @ Mount Kinabalu
Log on 56000 bps,
broad band wave searching lost!
search again wonder friend, love, passion locate!
click on you smile wonder the VIRTUAL BITE?! for me to know you
July 29, 2004
Things started right after that.
From Friendster to Icq,
From Icq to Msn,
From Msn to meetin' him at Rush (that old viva)
From Rush to meetin' him at Kafe Flam (performing hot dance on the podium with Nicole.. I still remembers that :))
From Kafe Flam to D'One Consultant. (the most cozy office i've ever been to :) )
Do everything almost together, from clubbing up to "kap luis" *evil grinz*
I gonna miss him da most as he is leaving soon to Australia.. So sad.. *sobz*
Mr Deric Cheong - He's my virtual hunny bunny. :)..Chat with him online almost everyday. He never failed to make me laughed and even up to speechless..I love this bugger alot.. *winks* I just love to "Kek sei" him and i don't know why but it always happens and it is always so FUN!!. hehe. Don't remember how i knew him and eventually we end up being so close though never meet each other before.What I know now is he's so crazy over Na na (the cute and cheeky girl from my home town. and my so called childhood friend) . What do i know about Deric Cheong ?
1. He loves to kek sei me 2 hehe *evil grinz*
2. He loves to talk about my cute butt.. ahahah *lol*
3. He hardly eats (just like girl who loves to "Jaga Badan" isk... so sissy-lah)
4. He loves reading.
5. He is the home-ly type of guy.
6. He just quit smoking (I think so-lah)
7. He can be sensitive and emotional at the same time. (Right??)
8. He is SINGLE lor..
9. Very NICE guy.
10. He is muh HUNNY BUNNY-lor (Don't worry girls!! He is still available for u all though he is virtually taken.. hehehe *evil grinz*)
11. He doesn't go clubbing
12. He loves to buaya GIRLS!! (so beware of this lover boy!!)
13. He always likes to show off that he get da girls attention.
14. He always tried to make me jeles (but I am not) *evil grinz* Mwahahahhaahahha
15. Oh yeah!! How can I missed this out.. He's a PERVERT.. *lol*
*The rest i shall continue later*