Continuation of dissapointing Malaysian Idol's result for season 2

Hmmm, it had been quite a big issue in the whole nation especially among the Malaysian Idol die-hard fans when Daniel was crowned as the 2nd Malaysian Idol last Saturday.. Well what do you guys expect, it's obvious that this reality show is based on the popularity not the talents likewise it makes no difference for American Idol as well.. :D

Everyone in office acussed me for voting for Daniel.."Must be you-la Hui Yee.. I know you vote for him.. He is cute wat.. Must be you-la.." I laughed my ass off and said "For god's sake he is not cute-la.. after all he is not my taste.. looking through my obsession over cute hunks like Takeshi kaneshiro and Jude law.. DANIEL?? Is just like a small little ant for me.. hehe" after-all i don't think he has the talent in singing.. Probably he is just the small and little so-called cute guy next door type or those boy band with pretty face type of guy.. Well no doubt it that young girls will go goo goo gaa gaa over him with his so-called cute package.. *Suddenly saltues Daniel and bow.. and said "Daniel, you did a very good job in impressing and capturing all the girls' heart to fall for your so-called cute-ness.. The Malaysian Guys will be so jealous of you.. hehe.."

Now, this is what i call Cute and Dashing and Charming and Sexy.. OHMFG :) slurpz slurpz

The dashing and charming Takeshi Kaneshiro

The gorgeous and sexy Mr Alfie a.k.a Jude Law

Now, this is what really turns me off.. :P

Daniel the erm.. so-called "Cutie" Ha ha.. something good to be laughed at :P sorry to all Daniel's die hard fans out there..

I've read loadsa negative complains and comments
On :-Jeff Ooi's page

about who should win and who shouldn't.. It's obvious that many people think Nita should win but people.. since you think she deserves to be crown as the 2nd Malaysian idol, why don't you vote for her?? I must admit here, i never vote for any of them at all.. he he.. But then i think i should vote-lah.. instead of complaining that why Daniel won.. hehe *very malu-fying yeah*
Well,please do not get me wrong, i am not a die-hard fan of Malaysian Idol.. Just like what i've mentioned earlier on.. Happened to sit down infront of the tv that time.. I do enjoy the show actually.. the singings and everything and laughing and the same time.. God Bless u Daniel... ;D


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Mockingbird said…
It's obvious all these Idols don't win because they can sing very well or look very well. But because they had the most people voting for them.

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