Graduation August 2005

I may not informed some of you about my graduation on the 27th of August which was about two months ago.. Well, i've finally graduated from diploma in Multimedia Advertising & Broadcasting after spending my 3 years in Lict & Luct..

At first, i didn't intend to make a move to participate in the graduation ceremony which was held in cyber campus in the so called Hall Of Fame (we called that Hall Of Shame).. Overall the whole place look so much like a black cave cause of it's interior part with the black surrounding with the effect of yellow lighting to make the place look more grand.. But however, it still look shitty to me.. "tak ada class langsung"

Hell no i gonna pay 130 (gown rental) and 80 (charges for one guest) to them afterall i've spent too much when i was a student studying there.. paying all the unecessary charges.. And yet i paid them finally cause I was bugged by my year leader Joe Yen endlessly to join the graduation ceremony.. He would called me up everyday to ask if i want to go or not which i will always give the same answer "No-lah" until he said "You're the very stubborn ah.. the most stubborn girl that i've ever spoken to, and i am not supposed to tell you this, but i will tell you now.. you are winning something." I asked.."Win what?? Don't say that just to make me attend the ceremony".. He said.."Bluff you for what?? I am serious ok.. Just attend the ceremony and find out yourself-lah".. I ended up saying "See first lah"

After that, i heard news from the faculty that i won the "best in account management" Industry award which was awarded by McCann Erickson Malaysia.. Cool eh and the good looking brand director Ben Chew attended the ceremony.. Was so excited to see him there he he... Well overall the ceremony went on quite ok and cynical.. haha.. the singers are sucks.. very shucks.. Well it was a good experience somehow to be able to grad with all our closest friends that i might not be able to see them anymore as most of them are flying away very soon..

Ok, here's some pictures that i would like to share with you guys..

Two Industrial Award Winners Pose with Tan Sri Lim the founder of L.U.C.T

We're the MAB students.. Batch - July 2002

We're the advertising students except for Steven Goh the one with Peace sign


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