Own Business or Work for People for da rest of your life??
Few nights ago, my close friend called me up and wanted to meet me up and off we went to william mamak for drinks.. Well this little hot friend of mine was my course mate back in L.U.C.T.. Since we completed our course not too long ago, we hardly seen each other that much not to mention that we went for clubbing for 2 times and well i'd guess that's all..
This hot friend of mine was currently into Multi Level Marketing thingy which to be more precise, we categorised it as "Direct Marketing".. She was trying to convince me that this is a good start to go for quick earn big bucks with good and tempting promising.. We sat down and chit chat about what is going on with our lives and laughters and giggles is what i can described the situation as.. As a close friend of hers, of course i did asked her how's things?? And well she started to ask me a question that totally leave me speechless and dumbfolded..
Hot Friend : How's work going on??
Me: Ok lah.. Surviving and not too bad.. after-all this won't be my long term job.
Hot Friend : Do you plan to work for people for the rest of your life??
Me: Why not.. After-all a new freshly grad beginners like us have to work for people and this will be a good start for us to learn and see more things and knew more people..
Hot Friend : No Yee, you're so damn wrong.. Working for people has no future.. I know-lah because i have work for people before.. I don't see any future in there..
Me : Totally speechless -_-" and starts to say : well different people think differently-lah..
Hot Friend : Let me show you how's the business plan is..
My Hot friend took out a paper and scribbled all the business plan on the white piece of paper.. Basically it's like a pyramid system.. You recruit people and your down line recruit more people and it goes on and on until you earn big bucks like 650k for a month.. It certainly sound very tempting right but what i always believed money is not easy to earn.. Probably this MLM thingy does provide this oppurtunity but then i strongly thing that it will never close deal.. It's true that MLM can give you loads of oppurtunity and strengthen plus widen your network to know more and more people and go beyond the circle or box, but there is always one reason why i hate this type of people.. which is the MLM people.. They are too confident..
Well one big advice from me to all the MLM people especially the beginners, if you want to convinced and persuade people to join your network, at least what you can do is, show what you earned maybe not fully but whatever you achieved and earned to convince people and to gain their trust.. Do not just open your mouth and start talking about million bucks and so forth that you will totally turns people off.. i do know this is what you are doing to earn a living but this is just not the way.. I've seen a few sucessful and professional MLM people that really handle things well and they just never force people to join them..
Things like this have pro and cons.. Of course no one wants to work for people for the rest of their fcuking life and we couldn't just say that people who work for others will have no future.. No, It's a WRONG STATEMENT & JUDGEMENT.. What about those CEOs, MD & Directors that earned about 10k and above every month.. They're still working for people right?? Do we have the rights to criticised them as no future while they're earning about 10k plus?? Here are the differences between working for people and own Business.
For those who would like to start up own business, my advice try to work for people first, get more experience before you start to venture into own business.. After all i never think that own business is a bad thing at all.. It's all depends.. =D
Own Business
1. You can be the big boss (obviously)
2. Don't have follow orders from you bitchy or bastard bosses (obviously)
3. You give orders instead of receiving orders (obviously)
4. Working hours is flexible cause you're the boss.. =D
5. Steady cash flow in monthly when your business is friggin good and stable with no worries =D
1. You will have to forge out money by every end of the month (this is a major headache)
2. If things doesn't turn out well, you will be declared bankcrupt and start owing loadsa $$$$$$
3. No stable income flow in unless it's a big business and you are sucessful
4. Start stretching your brain to think of how to get more business every month..
5. The amount money that spent to entertain client and potential client to get big business from them but sometimes at the end..you get nothing..
Work for People
1. Stable income every month though what you are earning is not as much as you earn from own business.
2. It's a secured job.
3. No headaches and worries about forging out money by end of the month to cover the company's expenses.
4. You will see different kinds of people when you work under different bosses, at least it's a good start for you before you start to go into your own business.
5. If you have a great boss and colleagues, life will be fun even though sometimes you have to work like shit.
1. If you get bitchy and bastard bosses.. felt so sorry for you..
2. You have to come in on time and sometimes work until long hours when u are required to do OTs.
3. You always received orders from your bosses, your superiors to do anything for them because they are your boss.
4. It's a bad thing when you are underpaid.
5. It's totally sucks when no one appreciate what you do and your great work are being acknowledged as your boss great work.. No credits given to you lah.. sucks eh?? :P
This hot friend of mine was currently into Multi Level Marketing thingy which to be more precise, we categorised it as "Direct Marketing".. She was trying to convince me that this is a good start to go for quick earn big bucks with good and tempting promising.. We sat down and chit chat about what is going on with our lives and laughters and giggles is what i can described the situation as.. As a close friend of hers, of course i did asked her how's things?? And well she started to ask me a question that totally leave me speechless and dumbfolded..
Hot Friend : How's work going on??
Me: Ok lah.. Surviving and not too bad.. after-all this won't be my long term job.
Hot Friend : Do you plan to work for people for the rest of your life??
Me: Why not.. After-all a new freshly grad beginners like us have to work for people and this will be a good start for us to learn and see more things and knew more people..
Hot Friend : No Yee, you're so damn wrong.. Working for people has no future.. I know-lah because i have work for people before.. I don't see any future in there..
Me : Totally speechless -_-" and starts to say : well different people think differently-lah..
Hot Friend : Let me show you how's the business plan is..
My Hot friend took out a paper and scribbled all the business plan on the white piece of paper.. Basically it's like a pyramid system.. You recruit people and your down line recruit more people and it goes on and on until you earn big bucks like 650k for a month.. It certainly sound very tempting right but what i always believed money is not easy to earn.. Probably this MLM thingy does provide this oppurtunity but then i strongly thing that it will never close deal.. It's true that MLM can give you loads of oppurtunity and strengthen plus widen your network to know more and more people and go beyond the circle or box, but there is always one reason why i hate this type of people.. which is the MLM people.. They are too confident..
Well one big advice from me to all the MLM people especially the beginners, if you want to convinced and persuade people to join your network, at least what you can do is, show what you earned maybe not fully but whatever you achieved and earned to convince people and to gain their trust.. Do not just open your mouth and start talking about million bucks and so forth that you will totally turns people off.. i do know this is what you are doing to earn a living but this is just not the way.. I've seen a few sucessful and professional MLM people that really handle things well and they just never force people to join them..
Things like this have pro and cons.. Of course no one wants to work for people for the rest of their fcuking life and we couldn't just say that people who work for others will have no future.. No, It's a WRONG STATEMENT & JUDGEMENT.. What about those CEOs, MD & Directors that earned about 10k and above every month.. They're still working for people right?? Do we have the rights to criticised them as no future while they're earning about 10k plus?? Here are the differences between working for people and own Business.
For those who would like to start up own business, my advice try to work for people first, get more experience before you start to venture into own business.. After all i never think that own business is a bad thing at all.. It's all depends.. =D
Own Business
1. You can be the big boss (obviously)
2. Don't have follow orders from you bitchy or bastard bosses (obviously)
3. You give orders instead of receiving orders (obviously)
4. Working hours is flexible cause you're the boss.. =D
5. Steady cash flow in monthly when your business is friggin good and stable with no worries =D
1. You will have to forge out money by every end of the month (this is a major headache)
2. If things doesn't turn out well, you will be declared bankcrupt and start owing loadsa $$$$$$
3. No stable income flow in unless it's a big business and you are sucessful
4. Start stretching your brain to think of how to get more business every month..
5. The amount money that spent to entertain client and potential client to get big business from them but sometimes at the end..you get nothing..
Work for People
1. Stable income every month though what you are earning is not as much as you earn from own business.
2. It's a secured job.
3. No headaches and worries about forging out money by end of the month to cover the company's expenses.
4. You will see different kinds of people when you work under different bosses, at least it's a good start for you before you start to go into your own business.
5. If you have a great boss and colleagues, life will be fun even though sometimes you have to work like shit.
1. If you get bitchy and bastard bosses.. felt so sorry for you..
2. You have to come in on time and sometimes work until long hours when u are required to do OTs.
3. You always received orders from your bosses, your superiors to do anything for them because they are your boss.
4. It's a bad thing when you are underpaid.
5. It's totally sucks when no one appreciate what you do and your great work are being acknowledged as your boss great work.. No credits given to you lah.. sucks eh?? :P