BOOOOO!!!!!!!! shoutouts to Daniel "The 2nd Malaysian Idol"

The Malaysian Idol fever ended about 1 minute ago when the hosts announced the winner of the second season.. Guess what?? As what i had predicted Daniel the so-called cutie won the title rather than Nita who deserves to win at the first place.. I am not a lunatic or die-hard fan of Malaysian Idol, it's just that i happened to watch this show at the moment..

Looking through the re-cap of their performances yesterday and just now, it's so obvious that Nita should won the title and not Daniel.. However, i have no other comment.. I just wondering how people select their idol is it through the looks or probably their talent?? Well everyone said.. "Daniel is cute ma".. sorry to say this "CUTE MY ASS".. He is not cute, he may be talented at most times but Malaysians' votes and choice for this competition was so fucking wrong.. I predicted it but then was truly dissapointed with the result.. VERY!!

The voting result had made the whole thing into big difference by the comparission votes for Daniel is 1.2 million whereas, the votes for Nita is only 500,000.. I wonder what had happened to Malaysians' choice.. Sorry to each and everyone of Daniel's goo goo gaa gaa fans, I truly do not think your so-called cutie Idol should won the title because he doesn't deserves it and he's truly has no talent at all.. To all Nita's fans out there.. I know you people was extremely shocked and dissapointed with the result like i do.. Nita, we all think you should win and the whole thing is just so fcuking wrong.. No worries, you will have a brighther future in the Music Industry compared to the so-called cutie 2nd Malaysian Idol Daniel.

The duo performed during the final @ Genting.. n it's obvious that who should won the title

Daniel - The famous and the winner of Malaysian Idol that made all the girls underaged goo gaa gaa over his so-called cuteness but not his talent.. tsk.. practically pathetic..Tragedy


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