
Bloody hell.. -_-"

I am Sleepy!! =(

I am SICK!!! =(


I feel completely BAD n SO DAMN SICK WEY!!


I sneezed like hell, and i felt damn cold.. What's wrong with me?? Sick again ey?? probably.. Probably i drank too much in M Bar and probably i had not enough of sleep since i've been doing so for the past erm.. countless day.. God.. *sniff* *sniff* I got chicken flu?? *wings start to grow from my back* *haha-laughed out loud)

The first thing that come across my mind when i reached office is.. Do i get to chat with Brad today?? Will i find out if he recognised me or not?? Even if he do.. will he admit it?? Bah.. what's wrong with me anyway.. i've been thinking too fucking much anyway..

Time pass by slowly in the office.. i felt really bad and weak and cold and sleepy.. I need my sleep.. HELP!!!! I went home during lunch hour to get something done and as usual i will on my msn.. Brad's online.. yay yay >_< =D

Brad : Gtg Bev.. Sorry.. I will chat with you on my other email or probably i will email you.. take care..

Me : K.. u 2..

Well he's gone.. probably he is buzy or he just doesn't want to chat with me since i've unaccidentally revealed myself in One U yesterday.. who cares anyway.. I tried to get a short nap at home.. but i can't.. i feel like eating.. but i don't know what to eat.. and i don't feel like eating.. Bloody hell i said ..-_-" sick on a weekend is totally a No-No for me.. Lunch time passed.. I walked back to office without eating and feeling terribly.. My colleagues asked me.. Why do i looked so friggin pale?? I was like.. ey.. i do?? i walked to the washroom and find myself looked ulterly horrible and pale.. I need to get a rest i told myself.. And at around 4 everyone started to chase me away from office.. asked me to get a good rest at home because they doesn't want me to take MC on the next day (saturday) Cheebye la you all.. -_-"

I walked home.. On my pc and changed into my pyjamas and ready to sleep.. Soon PM me and asking me about the dinner plan and i was about to call him to tell him it will be called off since i am not feeling friggin well.. and we end up talking crap about anything including Brad.. I told soon that i felt Brad not gonna chat with me already since i've revealed my ugly face yesterday.. but Soon tried to convinced me that it is the other way round.. Brad is interested in me and all those shits la.. Stupid soon.. Dang U.. o.0

After that when i said bye bye to Soon..

Brad came online!!!! =D

.. I smiled and suddenly my *active mode* is fully on although i am half dead.. I told soon that i will not be getting my sleep now cause Brad is here..* therefore we chat..

Brad: Hey Bev
Me : Hey
Brad: Am in the cyber cafe now..
Me : Why?? You are not working today??
Brad : I quit
Me : R u sure?
Brad: Positive
Me : Why?
Brad : Long story
Brad : wasn't Happy
Me : K, as long as you know what you are doing.
Me : So what's your next plan?
Brad : I've got a new logistic job.
Me : great.. good for you

*Starts to feel the conversation turn ulterly boring wey.. probably he just entertaining me*

Brad : My new office will be in Kelana Jaya which means i will be very close to you..

*Me suddenly grinz widely over of his statement.. Close to you..*

Me : That's great..


He went offline!!! =(

.. So dissapointed and so sad.. getting ready to sleep again..

He came online again.. =D

Brad : sorry, server problem..
Brad : how are u doing today??
Me : slightly feverish..
Brad : It's no good to get sick on a weekend
Me : tell me about it..
Brad : where's the pic gone??
Me : huh??
Brad : ur display pic??

*for your information.. i've replace my own pic with my sister's doggie pic in msn*
I was thinking.. probably he's trying to check out and reconfirm again if i was in one u, if i was the one he saw yesterday.

Me : here it is.. the previous one was my sister's doggie mable.. cute ey?
Brad : Yupe.
Me : Man, it's another weekend again.. time flies..
Brad : yes, i can't believe it either that i will be going back to sydney in 3 months time for the festive season.. I've left home for 3.5 months and it's the longest since..
Me : r u excited?
Brad : of course
Me : i might be going home..
Brad : when are u going back to up north?
Me : It's east coast.. probably this coming christmas.. not sure yet though because i might go to Thailand..
Brad : with b/f or friends?

Well.. well.. this is the time to hint him that i'm single now.. hiak hiak *devil's mode fully turned on again * >_<

Me : well, he is my ex now yupe.. going with him plus friends..
Brad : great
Brad :so you guys parts on good terms?
Me : yes i don't see the point of being enemy when a relationship doesn't work
Me : even if you guys can't be lover at least you still can be friends right??
Brad : that's true but for some instances things like people just not that lucky like me..

He's saying something about his past relationship for 7 years but didn't turned out to be good.. don't really remembered what he said.. but he didn't mention about his current relationship..

Me : you poor thing..
Brad : time is up.. gtg now..
Me : k.. have a great weekend ahead and you take care alright.. a virtual kiss sign for him in msn..
Brad : yeah you too.. Take care kay.. get well soon so that you can go out..
Me : Yeah party..
Brad : and work tomorrow..
Me : tell me about it.. thanks for reminding me
Me : damn
Brad : hahaha
Brad : think of money money money
Brad : so that you can buy shoes and clothes for yourself..
Me : uh-huh.. no shopping for me..
Me : saving up for travelling.. I wanna travel to aussie..
Brad : have you been to syd?
Me : no..
Brad : nice place
Me : I heard..
Brad : K, really gtg now.. you take care alright.. a virtual kiss sign from him
Me : k


He offline.. =(

Well, i was wondering why he didn't mention about yesterday.. probably he doesn't feel like doing so, since he assumed that i don't know how he looked like because he never show me how he looks like.. or he choosed things to be unknown forever?? who cares what he actually thinks right.. he is indeed someone else's bf.. haha.. i need to slap myself i guess.. *slap slap slap*

Bah.. again...

.. I'm thinking...


.. AGAIN..


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