Birthday Shout out to Swee Ping
Happy Birthday to You Swee Ping
Few days back, i've received a sms from Swee Ping saying " I don't like to be labelled as emo nor would i like to be called one".. Whoa.. I was dumbfolded..Shit!!! thinking if i had offended you indirectly for putting your link in my blog as Emo SP.. >_<.. So sorry.. will change it A.S.A.P.. maybe after finish typing this entry.. Don't la angry.. come on.. *guchi-guchi goooo* :)
Happy 22nd Birthday to you girl.. You're one old fart already.. no longer a little girl who always wears winnie da pooh and tweety bird's t-shirt.. ;) Gosh.. time really flies.. very fast i would say.. We had knew each other for 4 years plus already and it seemed like yesterday only.. :) Got to know this 'Little Girl' back in Taman Mayang Campus 4 years ago with Mystery Wolf Lee as three of us ended in the same class and doing the same major.. How do we even get so close.. Until today i still can't remember anything about it.. Well we shared ups and downs giving each other piece of our minds and opinions in the decision making and of course everything else..

We're inseparable it's like sticking three of us with the strongest U.H.U adhensive gum.. because when u spotted Sp, Mystery Wolf and you will be able to spot Bev da devil as well.. Remember what's our favourite activity back in college?? I bet you do.. >_<.. Same goes to Michelle.. which is Rating all the guys in the College.. Keke.. We enjoyed doing that the most.. Giving the poor guys all sorts of nick names so that our 'Daily Operasi' wouldn't be revealed and busted.. Even all the good looking lecturers indirectly gotten into the list... Geez.. We've been really notty and playful especially me.. We're supposed to concentrate on our studies not on the guys.. But however, three of us are considered the most hard working and brightest student in our class especially you.. No one can compare with you in terms of your super duper hard-working-ness and not to mention your daily diary planner entry jotting down what to do.. Salute.. Salute.. Salute..
Long live to Queen SP.. *bows* :)

I'm the oldest fart compared to two of you.. Although i'm considered the oldest in the class because i joined college at the age of 21, but after lepaking with you guys, i felt so young again.. I still remembered the facial expression i've got from you two knowing that i am 3 years older.. it's blardy funny.. no one actually believes that.. Geez.. ;) this is the advantage of being petite.. keke.. Just like what i've mentioned in my previous entry for mystery wolf and i gonna repeat it over here again..that you are the reason why i've enjoyed college very much.. although three of us hated this place very much but looking through at the good days we've been through.. life at college isn't that bad after all.. Look at the good things, good days it actually gave loadsa good memories and let's put the bad ones aside and we will be much happier this way.. :)
Swee Ping.. what do i know about her.. Swee Ping is a very organised and multitasking girl.. She got this habit of jotting down every single thing and she always carries big bag and loadsa books to the college.. She's the smart arse in the class always bomb lecturers with loadsa questions.. kekeke.. and of course she likes to complain hmmm (who doesn't??).. haha.. I always remember her extreme serious and fierce face when she is about to Launch her mission to "COMPLAIN".. Sometimes, you will find her funny although she is moody that time but this girl is just simply amazing and very unique.. Three of us shared different interest, different lifestyles but we still able to hang out together..
She is the youngest girl in her family and this had been universally known that she is her Grandma's baby.. kekekek.. She has to get permission from her grandma for everything because the moment when her grandma says no.. she won't be able to do it.. She loves her grandma loads because of her wonderful childhood moments she spent with her grandma.. Well this girl.. she never goes clubbing.. she doesn't drink.. nothing at all compared to me and michelle who had been partying like madness all this while..(geez.. michelle, we've been very notty huh?? *grinz*) Where to find a nice sweet girl like SP.. i guess she's one of the kind and considered very special in her own ways.. She had this crazy obsession towards Japanese and Korean Soap Operas.. and not to forget.. the footie hunk Nakata.. Oh yeah how could i left this out.. She's very very crazy over.. ehem..and... ehem... (throat suddenly stuck with phlegm).. (go and figure out urself) Michelle.. you do know who i am refering to right?? *evil grinz*
So what's your plan for today.. Be little princess for the whole day?? I wish i can plan something with ya but you know i have to work right?? I will try to catch up with you one of these days.. maybe during the weekends.. Let's get Mystery Wolf Lee out together and lets have a charlie angels day hangout together-gether again alright?? Missed that moment.. Ever since three of us got separated because of our different directions and different goals, we hardly see each other that much anymore as we've only communicate via the MSN and smses.. Blame it on the time then.. well it doesn't matter.. it's the thoughts and sincerity that counts right?? As long as we always remember each other.. Thanks for being there during my critical depression moments.. So sorry for making you worried about me and so sorry for not sharing the tonnes of shits that i had deal with.. It had been my policy that i don't tell people things because i prefered to keep it to myself and of course i do not want you guys to worry about me that much.. I've been good now.. Just like an answered prayer that things are going towards a better direction and the way i've wanted to.. No worries about my side alright.. Let the time and fate to decide on everything.. So far.. it's good.. lets hope this will continue..
Hmm damnit.. time flies.. I hope things between us will remain the same forever.. We may not end up in the same direction or maybe location but always make sure that we will keep in touch with each other everywhere we go.. never let the distance and problems to keep us apart.. Let the time and faith to get us closer..
Last but not least
Have a great birthday ahead.. U're a big girl now.. All the best in everything you do and good luck for your final year.. take care and be good alright??
Hugs and Kisses from

p/s: You didn't change also the nick :P
right away madam
kyiak kyiak
Blekkkkkk :P