Birthday Shoutout to Mystery Wolf Lee
Happy Birthday To You Mystery Wolf Lee :)
Got to know this cool punk chick back in Limkokwing Mayang Campus back then it was formally known as LICT.. Frankly speaking i can'teally recall how did we (me, u & SP) got so close since semester 1.. As what i can recall.. we're in the same class that time.. apart from that.. hmm i can't really remember at all..Anyhow.. talk about the LICT moments we had together.. Simply remarkable and sweet ain't it if i were to think of again and again.. It really put big smiles and laughters on me.. Everyone nicknamed us the charlie angels because we're always together wherever we go.. If one of us went missing or absent and that will definitely creates curiousity that lead everyone in college start asking.. "ey where's ur other half?" :) *yikes :S sound like we're a couple like dat..
We did everything together.. ALMOST EVERYTHING from rating all the guys in college giving them varieties of different funny nick names so that no one will know what or who the hell are we talking about and the moments how we teased each other like crazy and of course our endless bitching, gossiping and also LAUGHING session at those not so cool and handsome guys when they think they're hot but THEY ARE NOT.. Tsk.. poor them huh.. :) And you are the reason why i enjoyed college that much despite of how i hated this school very much ever since.. Make it this way.. if i were to join One Academy at the first place, i may not even get the chance to know you already right..SEE!!! College life isn't that bad afterall.. even we're both hated it very much.. but we still have fun right?? *lols*
Michelle is a very unique, outgoing, nice, funny and amazing in her own ways.. She's creative, she's smart and she has this crazy obsession over wolfies and that's why she calls herself as Mystery Wolf.. and i've added the Lee for her.. And not to mention her piercings.. ergh.. all the painful piercings that she did.. >_<.. Remembered the moment when i accompanied you to Sg Wang ?? (Frankie's place.. is his name Frankie?? or Fred?? i remembered his name starts with F.. geez.. suddenly forget his name).. Nvm.. you wanted to take off ur brow's piercing and during the process, do you remembered my funny facial expression as if i am the one whose sitting there not you?? I really felt the pain for you that time.. isk.. goose bumps d.. kekek :P
I still remember the sad moment when you broke the news to me that you had to leave me behind to Perth for your final year @ Curtin, i was really sad during that time and wondering if i will ever see you again.. But however, we never failed to update each other about what is going on and happening in our lives from our crushes, party animal's lifestyle to daily ramblings.. :) through MSN.. Thanks for all your sweet time for listening to my endless long winded stories.. and thanks for being there during my critical depression moments.. and of course we both shared the main interest which is OUR CRAZY OBSESSIONS OVER HAWT LOOKING GWAI LOWS.. Hey.. speak about hawt looking gwai lows.. who can actually resist on that??
You're back in Malaysia in one piece :) and i am very happy to see you again but when you mentioned you will be going off again soon.. awww.. i am back to square one again.. heartbroken AGAIN.. :( ..Please promise me that we will always keep in touch no matter where we are.. Will always update each other about EVERYTHING alright?? Lets us go for a nice beach of island vacation together before you leave kayz.. I seriously want to do this with you.. Just the two of us.. cause i know SP will not be able to make it.. Grandma's baby.. *shame-shame* (kekeke.. she'll chop my head off for this)
Thanks for the red devilish horn headband.. really happy that you remembered after going through the hard time trying to get one for me.. Yipee... let's go for halloween party together-gether and i shall wear it out.. Well.. time flies.. we're getting older day by day but let make sure our friendship will remain forever and ever.. Never let distance and problems to be the reasons for keeping us apart but lets hope faith and time will keep us even closer.. Loving every bits of you with my heart and soul woman..:)
Last but not least
Have a great birthday and may you have a great year ahead.. good luck in everything you do.. academically, career wise and of course your love life.
Big huggles and Big wet Kisses from Me,

Love you loads