Da sick Devil
Ahhhhh chewww... *cough-cough* ahhhhhh chewwww.... *cough-cough*
So sorry for spreading my germs over here.. Hello again peeps.. It's me again.. *sniff-sniff* It had been ages since the last time i got terrible sinus like this.. Ergh.. me and my nose.. :( and my flu indirectly cause me for having sore throat and coughing at the same time.. Darn.. :( Not enough of sleep i supposed.. Have i been partying too hard for the last weekend and during Merdeka's eve??
Perhaps i really did.. not to mention about my sudden drinking in action act.. hmm unbelievable because most of you know that i hate drinking.. and if i can i will avoid myself from drinking but last weekend.. I DRANK MORE THAN I SHOULD.. why?? i don't even why :) .. I stayed sober but I PUKED.. now.. what is the right word to describe my condition.. DRUNK?? nah.. i am not drunk.. waitaminute.. PUKE really considered DRUNK right?? or NO or What?? Bah.. whatever.. :)
It had been quite a while since the last time i partied hard like this.. Hmm think of it i think it should be years ago since i used to partied for 2 consecutive nights and still able to wake up for work the next day.. Fcuking amazing i must say.. but the recovery process seemed tormenting and blardly long as i MUST and Cannot deny the fact that i'm getting much older now.. No more little devil or little chilli padi in action.. Old devil and old chilli padi to be precise ... right??.. hehe.. ;)
What's new?? I know some of u may be expecting something from me.. There's many new stuff.. new friends and new lengchais and blah blah blah.. keke.. ;) No details here.. want to know the whole thing?? Just ask me then.. *grinz* Things are getting better for me.. progressing quite well right after the tormenting 4 months time.. Not putting any hope on anything though because i seriously do not want huge dissapointment in the end.. Let's see what happen next and i shall goes with the flow.. Let the time and fate to decide on what shall happen next..
It's blardly Saturday morning and i am back to work after half day leave yesterday.. Hmm feeling abit sick though but i shall get more rest this weekend and putting back all my pending assignments on track.. I've been a bad girl again.. i promised myself and others that i will keep my uni work loads on track but i lied again.. *spanks my sexy bootylicious*.. I shall stop now
That's about it folks..