Nuzur Al-Quran break!!!

Ah... the bliss of working in Selangor..
getting more public holidays compared to those who worked in KL..
kekeke.. evil grinz (=
To all you KL ppl, i know.. it's not fair but who cares anyway.. *grinz* as long as i get my public holidays..
It's a tuesday.. woke up and did my laundry and woke the big princess housemate up because the night before we both planned to go down to Kl together.. She asked me if i would like to join her.. she needs to go down all the way to KL the most jammest area to run some errands.. oh well since i am not doing anything might as well as follow her.. We both left the house around 11ish and we both stuck in the horrendous traffic jam for 1 hour.. Yikes..
" I felt like bringing a tourist who never been to KL town with me now" She laughed at me
"Ey, don't laugh ok.. i hardly come down to KL ma.. so packed.. never liked KL ler.. Pj always better hor?" i replied
"She said.. yalah.. the traffic in KL is horrendous and look how hectic is it.." she said
I looked out from the car's window and said.. "yalah.. motorist everywhere.. isk.. hectic-nyer.. it's so crowded.. not peaceful at all.. compared to PJ..gosh i can't imagine if one day i have to stay in Kl area.. confirm die wan.."
Housemate start to introduce all the KL areas to the girl who hardly been to KL that much.. keke.. she introduced all the areas to me telling a little bit of stories that she knew.. then we run some errands and both of us decided to go for window shopping at Lot 10.. this shopaholic housie of mine is in the itch of shopping.. *laughed out loud* and start to pray.. "oh lord.. bless me.. please make sure i won't spend any unecessary money today as i need some savings for my bali trip" i prayed to the God.. keke..
So the shopaholic starts to buy things.. both of us have different taste of selecting the outfits we liked.. cause our appearance is very different.. She looked very mature and at the same time lady like unlike me.. the key words for my appearance will always be Casual, Simple n Nice.. i seriously do not have the lady like look yet.. My attempt of trying to look mature always got myself into listening to statement like this "Aiyo..wassup with u who dressed up like an aunty man.. such a young look but matured dressing up".. -_-" isk.. F.A.I.L.E.D. Maybe in few years time i will be able to carry the look but not now lah apparently..
I don't remember what the shopaholic girl bought the whole day but as far as i concern.. it's alot but yet she keep on convincing me that this considered very little for her.. I looked.. and said "This is considered little for you?" with my big pair of widened eyes.. Haha.. confession of a compulsive buyer and shopaholic.. haha.. so funny la this housemate of mine.. sometimes she looked very cute and funny the moment when she tried to comfort herself after the damages that she made.. This is also the first time i shopped the whole day with her.. One word to describe her.. F.U.S.S.Y.. F.U.S.S.Y wey this chick.. she liked other people's opinion but when i told her what i think and she will stick back to her opinion.. Better don't ask right?? Anyhow..she has good taste in selecting her clothes.. she looks nice in almost everything..
Later of the nite when we had dinner outside of Lot 10's food court and the moment when we had coconuts, she remembered Chris.. there's some deal between two of them that involves with coconuts.. hahaha.. She smsed Chris and Chris called.. later on Chris joined us for coconut and this one is another F.U.S.S.Y people like my housemate.. both of them fallen under the same category and same horoscope.. VIRGO which famous of being picky, fussy & so called perfectionist la.. bleuuuweks.... Chris suggested we should hang out at a colder place.. either san francisco coffee or haagen daaz.. i suggested haagen daaz cause i loved ice cream.. slurp slurp.. Chris bought us ice cream..i had fun that night.. and frankly speaking i did not talk much that night cause i was busy enjoying my ice cream before it melts.. Wastage u know.. hahah.. confession of an ice cream freak. ..well two of them (Chris and Erynne) teasing each other like hell.. no idea what they are talking about though..
After that.. call the nite off and bid good bye to each other.. reached home at 11ish.. the shopaholic and compulsive shopper tried on her outfits and shoes in my room.. took my shower and she's in my room all by herself with my big full length mirror for her to view herself until she is satisfied.. haha..


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