
Clearing my husky voiced throat..

People.. PeOpLe!!!


I'm not SEEING anyone..

nor am I DATING anyone..

I'm still SINGLE ....

Attention to all the single hunkies, dudettes, cute 'n' leng chai lads and whatsoever it is..

Please send in ur resume .. *winks* because The devil needs a BF.. *LOLS*

nah.. just to clear the air up.. Everyone claimned that the devil (me) been M.I.A (Missing in action) for quite sometime and peeps.. stop being so suspicious okay...Stop asking me if i am back into the dating channel again lah albeit i do missed my paktor life.. but.. I'm not seeing anyone lately.. just been quite busy lately ma..What's wrong with you peeps being so suspicious ey.. *sheeesh*

No worries peeps.. if.. IF Just incase..If there's some kind hearted Lad, Hunk, Chais who wants me.. I shall regret you guys A.S.A.P aight?? *Lols*


It is clear 'nuff?

Hoped so..




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