2am smses

at 2:01 am on a saturday morning her Sony Ericson w550i walkman phone snoozed with a sms tone. She was about to close her eyes feeling uncomfortable with her slight period cramp and wanting to sleep away her uncomfortable period cramp in the dreamlad. She then reached for her phone in the dark and read the sms

He : need massive hugs

She : nah, here's your virtual massive hugs ((((Hugs)))) :)

He : nope.. real one

She : give you when i see you k

He : :(

She : :) i promise k

He : say only.. Today sounds like a good day ma.. Tomorrow no need to work..

She : Since when i never fulfill my promises to you ler.. Anyway.. it's late d right.. Although its quite cold tonite.. :) better get your good rest..

He : huhuhu.. snuggle ma.. cold also it would be nice right..

She : I totally agree.. why... missed me already is it..

He : Yes lor..

She : Awww... i missed you too muacks..

He : Hmmm...

She : Hmmm what??

He : babi la u...

She : what wor..suddenly kena scold babi.. what have i done..??

He : Nothing

Me : you ok or not..?

He : sad lor.. somebody tell me like this..

Me : i said something wrong??

He : :( huhuhu

Me : don't like that la.. get a good rest k.. see u next time dear.. muacks..

He : ok lor.. what to do.. nite.. muacks..

She find it weird that sometimes he can dissapeared for a long long time and sometimes he can come jumping in to crave back for the attentions he had been getting all this while.. She choosed to ignore and goes with the flow..She thinks that recently, he had been craving for the attention he used to get alot everytime.. She had been xtremely busy and tied up with work and haven't been catching up with him for quite sometime.. Maybe.. maybe.. one fine day..

-the end-


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