Long & tiring 2009 CNY
This year CNY was the longest and most tiring one. It was a CNY that the whole family wouldn't forget easily. The time and moments spent together will be cherished forever. Someone dear and close to our heart has left us and the memories of him and what he did for the family will not be forgotten. Uncle Chu Ho, this is the post that i've dedicated for you. You always keep the family together and without your support, i may not be doing what i am today. Thank you and please rest in peace.
28th of January, 09 around 9pm..
The "Phone Call" that shocked the entire family..
Uncle Chu Ho met with an accident on his way to the airport to pick Daphne & family from Beijing..
Condition.. unsure.. he was sent to the nearest private hospital..
Daddy, Hung & Girl rushed to the hospital..
The rest stayed at home and wait..
Another phone call.. no specialist on duty at that private hospital (i dun remember the name) and they rushed to USM..
I was praying deep down in my heart.. Please.. this couldn't be anything serious.. A motor bike rammed into uncle driving an estima.. how bad could that be.. I was comforting myself..
Still no news.. and it was almost 1am.. head to bed with Ping and heard someone opened the door..
Daddy just got back.. Daddy said.."Uncle is in very serious condition.. cheek bone crushed with fractured hand.." and he's in ICU..
Nothing much we can do but to pray and hope that he will survive through..
29th of January, 09
Uncle's condition still the same..
Went to the hospital with Ping and Girl..
Walked into ICU.. saw my uncle lying on the bed with few machines supporting his breathing and so on.. Face wrapped up.. very swelled up.. i couldn't help it.. gonna burst into tears anytime.. tried to hold my tears badly till i cannot stand anymore.. i walked out from the ICU room and cried at a hidden corner.. it was really bad and very heart broken to see uncle to suffer and in such condition.. why is this happening??
30th January,09
One day before my flight back to KL to start work..
Told mummy that i should go to the hospital again before i fly back to KL.
We went... condition still the same.. uncle wasn't breathing on his own already.. with the machines supporting.. i didn't know what was his exact condition and i didn't want to ask too.. I was hoping that he will make through.. please.. he must..the family still needs his support..
12ish (am)
I was packing my luggage in the living hall and watching Astro with my baby sis..
Daddy's phone RANG!!!
Me and girl looked at each other..Definitely not good.. Who would call Daddy at this hour??
What i feared most came true.. Daddy opened the door and said..
"We have to go to the hopsital now, Uncle is not doing that well already"
My heart dropped!!! Praying inside my heart.. Please.. this cannot be true.. Uncle is a fighter.. he will make it..he will...
Everyone was quiet in the car.. brother was driving..sobbing.. Michelle (eldest sis) called me and cried over the phone..
"Uncle is no longer with us.. he has gone..."
I asked her back and started to cry.. "Are u sure?"
"Yes.." sobbing...
Daddy's phone ranged.. and daddy cried "Why is this happening???"
Reached USM.. Most of the family members was there.. it was a very sad, tense and depressing moment...
That time the paramedic team was trying to revive uncle..
But flat hearbeat through out........
And that's it...... (Uncle gave up.. he doesn't want to fight anymore...)

My very last CNY reunion dinner with Uncle Chu Ho

Uncle Chu Ho.. Please rest in peace..