My long Monday night..
Yes a long one indeed..
Me : Yay!!!!!!!!
Then back to the game..
A hectic Monday to be exact.. and a tiring one..
Got home at almost 9ish.. showered and switch on my Astro for World Cup
Spain's match is at 2:30am.. Geez.. i must be mad to stay up to watch this but i won't be sleeping anyway since there's few materials to rush out.. and Spain's match will keep me awake for the night..
Showered (smell like a baby).. cooked maggi curry (have this craving again)..
Unpack my laptop bag.. Took out my files and note book..Set up my two laptops.. For work and need to transfer the files from my personal laptop to my work laptop (Selling my one year old baby away).. Geez i feel like a bookie doing partime betting business with two laptops on my bed..
When i was about to get myself comfy on my bed.. my phone rang!!! Aliza Superstar asked me where was i at.. she was 7 mins away from my home.. and she dragged me out for tea.. i simply put something on and i went out with her.. to our usual spot.. Old Town Coffee Shop.. the waiters there also recognised us already though it has been a while since we been there.. Usual girl chit chat about the same topic.. *ahemmm* and had good laugh.. Then we hang out at my place for a while and she left.. The woman is simply in love with my comfy and soft mattress.. She asked if she could stay over and snuggle.. *LOL*
I carried on with my work, msn with my SAE (Rachel) till the match started.. I took my bb and msg James cause i know he was waiting for the match as well.. Spain Vs Honduras
Me: SPAIN!!!!!!
James : Yea!! Another goal scoring spree!!
Me : Torresssss!!!
James : David Villa! Hope they score more than 2 during the 1st half ;)
Me : They better!! I stay up for my work and the match!!
James : Muahaha... viva espana! Gtg. Cheers!
Me :Yeah.. Enjoy
Right when Villa scored the first goal during 17 mins..
Me : Yay!!!!!!!!
James : Told ya David Villa!! He's the fuckin' man!! Need another goal
And David Villa scored another goal during 2nd half..
And David Villa scored another goal during 2nd half..
Then back to the game..
The game could be better.. if
> Torres was 100% fit.. He missed 3 obvious chances to score goals (very close & disappointing one)
> David Villa hit the front goal penalty kick (arghhh i can't believed that he missed this.. oh well shit happens)
> Fabregas was sent in earlier
> Sergio Ramos didn't missed the chances like Torres.
Spain would end up maybe 7-0 like Portugal's match??
Spain would end up maybe 7-0 like Portugal's match??
But again.. Villa was the Hero last night to save the entire Espanyol Team from facing another humiliation after their defeat to Switzerland on the 16th June match with the defeat of 1-0.. Let's wait for the 26th June match..Spain vs Chile.. that will determines if Spain will qualify for the knockout stage..