
You screwed things up repeatedly..
I gave you many many chances cause i was in denial and got blinded mostly..
You put the blame on me..
I didn't want to point fingers put blame or anything but trying to maintain the friendship and boy i am that silly..

One day i couldn't take it anymore..
It has been too long.. way too long.. the amount of time and energy spent on this is totally not worth it anymore..
There's more heartaches than happiness..
I was completely lost and gave up hope on you..
Everything seems to be no right for me.. Upside down..
Figuring out why is happening to me?? What have i done to deserve all this..

I've decided not be a huge arse whinger..
Life must go on.. The world needs me.. 
I need to put my foot down..
I need to know what i want.. What to do..
I've decide to do the wisest thingy which is to walk out from your life again for (God knows how many times)
I will not fuck you upside down (verbally) nor will i blame you or bitch about you (telling others that you are a total Loser and Bastard) cause i am not a sore loser and i am not a sour grape..
I always believe in Karma.. What comes around goes around and Karma is a bitch and will come and hit you one day..

You figured out (no more attention, long silence).. You screwed up your relationship with your girlfriend..
You came crawling back for my attention..
Midnight calls, long bbm messages telling me how much you misses me..
Cause you know well yourself who and where to get the comfort and the attention that you have been missing from.. Which is me..

I put consideration on being friend with you again.. cause we are both adults.. maybe relationship doesn't work but hey we can still be friends..
But you screwed up again .. You annoys the shit out of me and got into my nerves with your ridiculous childish attitude and on how you always think that the world only revolves around you and everything is about You, you & YOU!!

Your selfishness got into my nerve again big time!!
I gave you the simple piece of my mind..cause i am so over you already..  
Obviously you got offended with what i said..
You deleted me from your bbm list
You deleted me from facebook

And i was happy!! cause i finally managed to close chapter after trying to get rid of u for years..

And yesterday you decided to add me back again after deleted me??
What are you trying to do??

Uh uh.. to delete me was a wrong move to begin with.. No no.no.. Once you delete me that means you don't need me in  your life anymore..
Delete me then you want to add me back into you life??  What's the whole point??
That's not smart.. Be a man with guts and balls.. 
If you choose to walk out.. make sure you live with it.. and move on with that decision of yours..

Note to everyone else in my life cause i never expect everyone to love me and like me..

Once you walk out from Bev's life.. Never ever try to make a come back.. I may be nice but i am not that nice to a Loser with a capital L..

And i have bigger things in life to work for using my brain cells and not to waste and kill any single precious brain cells of mine for a useless Loser with a capital L like you..

Be a darling.. do me a favor.. please spend time to further evaluates yourself, your attitude and your doing.. and think about others once in a while and yeah..The world doesn't only revolves around you.. :)

Nuff said :)




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