Rough and bumpy rides.. rough year.. that's how I sum up my 2017

2017 has been extremely rough, bumpy and tough rides overall..

I was going through series of struggles and challenges..
One after another since all the way back in March..

The overall experiences were extremely tough and heartbreaking mostly..

I didn't know what to do.. Didn't know how to react..

I was being extremely pessimistic.. negative.. down.. heart broken.. over thinking..wondering why..
what have I done wrong that I had to go through these series of challenges.. It was too much for me to handle back then because it happened after another..

I wasn't in the right frame of my mind back then.. where I took all the blames on me literally and I was being extremely hard on myself..

I was struggling badly deep down inside on daily basis trying my best to pull myself up and back to where I was once at..

I tried my best every single day.. Reminding myself that it's not the end of the world..Maybe it's Mr big G's arrangement for me.. To get me go through these life challenges and lessons is for me to self reflect on how I have been handling myself and life.. and it's time for me to do things differently and to become a better person.

I am blessed to have few friends that have been supporting me mentally and emotionally during these period of time.. Their words.. support mean the whole world to me and that was what kept me going and trying my best to be positive each day.. and also my mom who has been there for me throughout..

It was extremely tough back then but it definitely got better as time goes by.. Being positive and spending time on reading did helped to put me through the hard moments.

At the end of the day, life goes on.. and everything happens for a reason.. In time, things will fall right in place.. I just need to continue to have faith and do my best..

Learning from what has happened will be the important life lessons that I will take on with me to my next adventure, next chapter in life and reminding myself to do things differently for self improvement..

Throughout these period of time, I've also learnt on the importance of forgiveness.. It does change how I see things.. Sometimes blaming others is easier but it is also important to reflect on how we have been handling things.. It takes both hands to clap..

2017 is not about achieving the resolutions that I set for myself (altho I've achieved some of it) but it's more of what's my take out on the life lessons that I've been through for the past 9 months.

2018, I look forward for a great year..please please please be kind to me..


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